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 photo: R. Depardon


Direction : Sophie LÉCOLE SOLNYCHKINE, David MARTENS, Jean-Pierre MONTIER

Lieu: Cerisy-la-Salle

Date: 03.07.2019-10.07.2019


Programme et fiche d'inscription




The British, American and French Photobook: Commitment, Memory, Materiality and the Art Market (1900-2019)


Maison Française, Oxford
2-10 Norham Road, Oxford OX2 6SE
Thursday 14 to Saturday 16 March 2019


This three-day conference is on the social history of the British, American or French photobook from 1900 to the present. Papers will address: commitment or explicit political engagement; memory, commemoration and the writing of history; materiality (whether real or virtual), and how material form affects circulation, handling, critical responses and the social life of the photobook. Contributors will analyse these topics with respect to the growth of the market for the photobook as a commodity and an object of bibliophilic attention.
This conference will concern itself with the social history of the photobook, whether photographer-driven, writer-driven, editor-driven, or publisher-driven. For the purposes of this conference, the definition of the photobook will be extended to include all photographically illustrated books, regardless of subject matter or the proportion of text to image, or indeed whether or not the images are “illustrative” in the strict sense of the word.
Three major questions arise concerning the photobook as a medium. Firstly, what place is there for literary fiction or imaginative picture-making in photobooks committed to documentary truth-telling or historical accuracy? In a word, how do fact and fiction, objectivity and subjectivity, cohere? Secondly, to what extent does the self-fashioning of the photographer in the art market interfere with the narrative meaning of a photobook? What is the influence of the art market on the photobook or on the writing of photobook histories? And how has the art market for photobooks changed since the bibliophilic creations of the early twentieth century? Thirdly, unlike individual prints that become unmoored without their captions, and which can be appropriated and re-used against themselves, can a photo-text shore itself up against appropriation? Is it a privileged pedagogical medium? A self-sufficient medium? This leads to a related question: how have certain photobooks changed with time? How have famous or reprinted photobooks been differently interpreted by different audiences? What has been the afterlife of politically committed photobooks? How, and in what circumstances, have certain photobooks contributed to writing or re-writing local memory or “collective memory”, at the time of their publication and over time?
To answer these questions, specialists in the history of photography, book studies and visual studies will dialogue with researchers in such disciplines as sociology, anthropology, critical race theory, queer theory, gender studies, post-colonial studies and comparative literature.









La première grande exposition consacrée à la photolittérature se tient à la Fondation Jan Michalski, près de Lausanne, du 14 octobre au 30 décembre 2016.

Les commissaires en sont Marta Caraion (Université de Lausanne) et Jean-Pierre Montier (Université Rennes2). Un catalogue de 178 pages est publié à cette occasion, avec des contributions des deux commissaires ainsi que de Paul Edwards, Jan Baetens, Véronique Montémont, Andrea Oberhuber, David Martens, Philippe Ortel, Servanne Monjour et Antonin Wiser. Son ISBN : 978-2-9701038-3-7.



Voir la vidéo de présentation :



CFP/Appel à contributions - Documentaires patrimoniaux. De la reproduction des archives photographiques et textuelles d'écrivains au refaçonnement de l'histoire littéraire.

Panel à l'occasion du colloque "La reproduction des images et des textes | Images and texts reproduced", sous la direction de David Martens et de Jean-Pierre Montier, Université de Lausanne (Suisse), du 10 au 14 juillet 2017.

L’ÉCRIVAIN VU PAR LA PHOTOGRAPHIE - Formes, usages, enjeux (XIXe – XXIe siècles)

Colloque international organisé par David Martens, Jean-Pierre Montier & Anne Reverseau le 21-28 juin 2014 au Centre culturel de Cerisy-la-Salle.

Procédures et contraintes : quel enjeux pour la création contemporaine ?

Colloque international organisé par le CIEREC (EA 3068) Université de Saint-Etienne le 8, 9, 10 octobre 2014


Colloque organisé par l'Université de Saint-Etienne, le 21-22 novembre 2013.


Colloque international organisé par l'Université Jean Monnet et le Musée d’art moderne de Saint-Étienne le 10, 11 et 12 octobre 2013.

« Photolittérature, littératie visuelle et nouvelles textualités ». NYU, Paris, 26 & 27 octobre 2012

Voir l'appel et le PROGRAMME

Le colloque Littérature et Photographie s’est tenu en juillet 2007 au Centre international de Cerisy-la-Salle.

Voir les actes